Eberwein Aesthetics

  • Medical Aesthetics
  • Medical Excellence
  • Qualified Doctor
  • Highest Standards
  • Optimum Safety
  • Home Visits Available


Home Treatment

Home visits have always been an integral part of general practice for as long as any GP can remember. As such GP’s like myself are very experienced with it. It’s part of the “bread and butter” of good holistic clinical practice.

It is my view that in the right circumstances an aesthetics home treatment visit can provide not only the convenience but also the anonymity that a person may need. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a busy clinic. They may feel embarrassed by other people in the clinic knowing that they are having cosmetic treatments. They may also feel uncomfortable going home with the temporary swelling or bruising that can occur after. 

There are also psychological aspects as well. Being at home can be of great benefit to those with treatment anxiety. I remember my days as a GP registrar when I would often take blood from patients during home visits. Some patients explained how they would be building up anxiety for days if they had to go to the surgery for blood tests and how they much preferred it at home where they were more relaxed. 

We do however have to balance in safety and infection control. Not all home environments are suitable to perform procedures.  There needs to be a clean uncluttered space with suitable lighting, access to running water and appropriate furniture for the patient to lie down on. Foldaway beds are ideal. The environment also has to be quiet and free from interruptions.  All procedures are carried out using an aseptic non touch technique. This means that all equipment and injectables only ever come into contact with sterile  covers provided by myself and never come into contact with any items in the home of the patient. However I still do sterilise as much of the surrounding environment as needed using special antiseptic sprays.

There may be situations when on entering a patients home that I do not feel it appropriate to carry out the procedure. Please don’t be offended by this. It’s actually a good thing as I have a duty of care for you as your doctor. It is my job to ensure that you remain safe at all times. If this is the case I will be able to make suggestions as to how we may alter the surroundings so I can perform the treatment another time or to find a different location.

Please also note that home treatment does not imply reduced standards. Indeed the highest standards are always maintained. Aesthetic treatments are not to be taken lightly and must be respected. They are not something we can have on a whim. A thorough facial, medical and psychological assessment is always carried out with no pressure to go ahead with treatment.

Under no circumstances do I ever carry out “botox parties”.

Appropriate PPE and shoe coverings will be used at all times. 

I encourage patients to always check my GMC registration and see that it concurs with the photographic ID that I will bring to the visit.         

I look forward to seeing you

Dr Stephen Eberwein